Saturday, June 16, 2007

Of cams and fake smiles

Theta is totally grumpy otherwise.

He is like a Cosine. Just too pissed that people get to hear about the Sine first and then remember Cosine relative to the Sine. And any wave like structure they see, they call it the "Sine wave like". Balls, should be the "Cosine wave like".


But when Cosine is actually up for looks, up for display, he is all teeth. I mean, whats that..!


I always hated chandeliers, they give me the creeps. One of those rare things that do.

I mean why design such an elaborate and fragile "bulb" when it is bound to fall and kill someone. Almost always at the wrong time, you know like when theirs a birthday party or a family reunion.

At least thats what they show in their movies and tell in their stories.

So much so that they have convinced me to take a beautiful, artistic electric lamp for a killing machine. How they affect our minds, these movies and stories and blogs and everything.