Anyways those 3 can wait, I am getting on with this new one just to fend off the powerful demon, the block thing.
Yeah, so like I said, I shifted base. From Bangalore to Noida. New job. And God knows I loved Bangalore. A lot of people don't like it, but I liked that city a lot. It had that vibe about it which gave me a perpetual high. I was staying with some of my closest friends of college and had found a lot of new awesome friends in a very short time. Also I was doing a lot of stuff there, like french class (more friends :-) ), salsa class for a while, and Gym. I miss all those. But to be honest I am quite positive about Noida as well. Heres why :
New places excite me, as in, one can start over and apply the lessons one learnt at the previous place. I learn a lot of lessons, at least I like to think that I do. Anyways getting back to Noida. So a lot of college friends here as well, but we don't stay together, yet. From June/July onwards we will. So that'll be remedied. Staying in a house full of college friends (full as in 5 of us) is always a lot of fun. Noida is hot. The weather. Its pretty harsh. Bangalore scores easily here. However the traffic congestion is much lesser here and one can ride the bike much more happily (if it is evening and the Sun God has decided to be merciful). However the blanket of dust causes its own problems. God why doesn't it rain here (like in Bangalore :p) ?
Anyways. Forgetting that. Good thing about leaving places is that you get a lot of gifts. I got two books as part of these gifts. "The kite runner" and The curious incident of the dog in the night time.
I didn't give a link to The kite runner 'coz it is pretty famous and most people would already know about it. I have found that creative works (movies, books, short stories et al) influence me a lot, at least temporarily, no mostly temporarily. I often go back to the old rigmarole pretty soon. But in the short term they do. Like, I don't know if you have noticed but my writing style in this post has changed a little. Its been inspired by the second book. The most distinct thing about the book is indeed its unique writing and the way the story is told, in first person, by an autistic 15 year old boy. Its quite an interesting read.
The kite runner is pretty amazing as well. More so, 'coz it is the author's first novel.

It inspires a lot of feelings in you and is also informative about Afghan lifestyle before, during and after the Soviet invasion and then the Taliban. Its one of those books people like to call "must reads". Coming to think of that, I haven't read a lot of these must reads yet. Like Shantaram, Atlas shrugged, The Fountainhead et al.

This one is good for its unique and interesting writing style, like I said. I would definitely recommend this book.
Ok, so looks like I am back in my writing blogs groove. Very well. On that positive note, I'll conclude this post.
nicely written :)
Thanks rukna. Thanks a lot. :-)
after reading this i could imagine you writing this blog ... whatever you thought ..u just put it ... straight from the heart
Yes, I like to write like that. Wonder when will the unending wait for your blog be over.. :-)
Good writing style..inspires me to read the book you mentioned(The curious incident of the dog in the night-time). Keep blogging. Its a pleasure to read your blogs.. :)
Noida is agood place...actually all planned...and much much better then gurgaon...its hell I shud say:_)))
The kite runner is a good fiction....
never heard of the 2nd one....lets see:-)))
Thanks :-)
Yes the book is nice. Its there in Landmark, so u can read a little before u decide to buy.
So, is your blog coming anytime soon ?? :-)
Well I am in the "compare everything with Bangalore" mode right now.. :p ..guess that'll disappear soon..Yes have heard about Gurgaon.. :-)
I am sure u'll like the second one as well.
heah dude...
you still seemed to be living in bangalore ... good to know.
You only know what you have until its taken away from u.. :p Pardon me for using the cliche.. :-)
And guess what ! comments on this blog have reached double figures !! Yoohoo !! thats a first for any of my blogs.. thanks everyone.. :-)
:) Noida is a good place to live in, give it a try....and awesome books, both!
:-). I sure am going to..!
Yeah Totally. :)
lets c...right now...I m with suketu Mehta...MAximum city:-)))
after completing...wud surely go fr it:_))
My blog...can't see that happening anytime soon. :)
Yeah that one is another great book. Its on my "will read soon" list.. :-)
:-). Comeon !
so no more adventures with your palate? Keep documenting Noida's never know who might thank you for a better guide than times food guide :)
Yar adventures have been plenty, only this block thing has prevented me from documenting them.
Will do surely. :-)
ahh you shifted your base...and that too to Noida...
I am headed there as well..sometime in september mebbe...
Yeah. oh great. Lets meet up ! :-)
nice cudnt find inspiration to cm to north side;)..still jus luv bangy :)
Thanks :-)
But that wasn't the intention, to inspire anything. Quite the contrary, if at all anything.
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