It is a matter of deep concern that in our 4 year history at IIIT, we guys have come close to winning plenty of tourneys but have never actually won any single sporting cup. As must be known to all by now, The Football tourney of this semester has been announced. I know many of us are not at college right now, some of us are abroad, while others are in various cities of India doing their respective internships. However, we still have a sizeable presence in college and some of the key players of old times are still at the place where all the action is going to be.
A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a batch, long suppressed, finds utterance. This moment is here, now. We might be famous amongst our juniors as people who did the max. "bakar" in campus but this is our chance to show them, We can play Ball too. I call upon all concerned in campus to give it your max. Sleep,Movies, Comp Games, Chatting etc would go on forever but the Inter Semester football tourney is now, only once and then it'll never return, atleast for us. When we will be fighing together against a common adversary for a common goal. We take pride in the unity and spirit of our B2K3, what good is this spirit if we cannot muster enough courage to fight together when the odds are stacked up against us.
All this may seem to be bantering of a fool who sits on his desk and asks others to sweat it out, but trust me, Never in history of our batch Was So Much Owed By So Many To So Few. I myself would love to come and play with you, but that is impossible, however I don't think that, that really matters. You guys, in campus, are there and now. Forget your small number, forget your past skills. The moment is in your hand. The moment to embed your names in the annals of glory of B2K3. Grasp it. Practice and Practice hard. No adversary is strong enough to beat B2K3 if you have practiced enough, as a team.
Let other batches know, that B2K3 will not go down without a fight. We shall fight on the 25 yard line, we shall fight in the mid field, we shall fight in the flanks and in the centre, we shall fight in the goalpost; we shall never surrender. Make them jump through hoops to earn every single point against B2K3 and let them wonder how when a batch, reduced to just quarter of its actual size can still fight on, like a Giant. Let them marvel at our spirit and let them look at our batch with admiration. Only then, the true glory would be ours.
Batchmates in college, I have nothing to offer you now but blood, toil, tears and sweat.Practice and Practice hard..
Only then will eternal glory be yours.
All the best..The Best wishes of our entire batch are with you always..
P.S : Parts of this mail are borrowed from famous sources but these were the best words I could find to convey my feelings right now.
Even though the effort was wasted, as we losy yet another final...
This was so awe-inspiring :)
Keep the spirit on...and yeah while you are at it, do plan a batch party for us lazy bums!
The effort was certainly not wasted. We did reach the finals and did a very good job at the end. Yes we lost and I know that is what matters, but does it ?
Merci..The spirit would always remain ON.. :)
About the batch party, I can sure write a mail persuading people to have a party but the organisation part will have to be done by a party animal like yourself..! :p
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