How stupid can we guys get ?
Imagine you are Varun Gandhi. A perfectly sane individual who has had the privilege of studying in 'elite' institutions and is modern and suave like the rest of us. You see a problem of anonymity in your life, know your surname holds a lot of weight in India and decide to correct the problem.
You call the press, gather a bunch of supporters (mostly paid) and make inflammatory statements. You rake up enough controversy to be mentioned in all the newspapers - most of which criticise you badly - but theres no such thing as bad publicity, now, is there ?
And suddenly everybody knows you. People have opinions about you, most liberal individuals hate you.
This con job is so pathetic, it would have been funny had it not been so sad. Varun Gandhi is actually an election issue in areas of UP and the drama he enacted and is now enacting has people believing firmly for or against him.
This leads one to wonder, how silly can the mass populace get! Why, as indiviudals we all show greater mental acumen but as a whole are susceptible to such tomfoolery? How, as chomsky refers to us as - the great beast - that is public opinion be fooled by such trivialities.
Most argue that max voters are not educated enough or informed enough to be capable of completely rational thought. I strongly disagree. Education or literacy is not a pre-requisite to common sense and we all know that. How then can a Varun Gandhi fool us, and that too repeatedly with other names and faces?