Monday, September 29, 2008

PaintBall Ahoy !

Rewind around a month back. Suneeth sees some publicity in a local daily about a paintball arena opening in Noida. Almost instantaneously, we decided, this month's team outing is definitely going to be different !

And different it was ! Whats with shooting and so, so much fun ? Real life Counter Strike 2.o. Adernaline rushing, strategies improvising, everything on the fly ! It didn't get any more real time than this !

Here are the quick steps :

1.Changing into overalls.

2.Teaming up.

3. Fighting it out

4. And Victory.

God it was fun !!

Suneeth has written about it here

Cheers !

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Barney is in Love !!

So whats with the times ? Whats with everybody falling in love right now ? Two of my closest friends .. and now Barney !! Yes, Barney from HIMYM.

I mean, Come On !

The old adage was, when in trouble, in sickness, in times of despair, you introspect, look inwards, take a deep breath and ask yourself THE question.

What would Barney do ?

And now suddenly Barney is, all in love and everything !

Whats happening to our world !!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Funny thought. About this choice thingy. Its also been documented here by Suneeth.

So imagine, when the "Big old guy Up there" was creating the world and He had classified the beings, initially, in two broad categories flora and fauna. He asks them a question, "ok fellas, so you guys are going down there, I am sure you have all your instructions and the manuals ready. Now theres just one last thing. One of you gets to stay at one place, be able to make their own food, have all the water and other goodies delivered right up to them and the other has to move around and forage for everything. So flora you have been the better of the two, which role do you want ?".

And plants are like, "What !! we get to choose first ? Yay !! Who wants to run around for everything, the former is obviously so much better. Hey God, we take the first one.."

You all know how it has turned out in the end !! A member of the "fauna" group is able to write all this sitting on a desk made out of the dead body of a member of the flora.. Ah hindsight !!


Looks like this is going to be a consecutive post on laughter !

Yeah, so I was surfing through the channels on T.V and some version of Ramayana was on air. With fully grown Rawan and his mates all seated in the 'durbar' pondering over the large alien army at their shores. A unique thing struck me, however bleak the situation, uncertainity of impending war but the 'Raskhas' always managed to laugh heartily at the end of any meeting.

They go like.."blah blah blah, blah blah" Muhahahahahahahaha...
"More Blahs " then hahahahahahaha...

You get the point.

Ands its not like those small, "look, I am so polite" , kinda laughs. They are not forced, in fact, totally spontatenous. Hahahahahahahahha.. You Know, the kind which come straight from the stomach.. like Hahahahahahahahaha..

And they do it all the time. The "righteous people" on the other hand always somehow manage to keep grim and serious. Sometimes supporting a smile in acknowledgement of a good suggestion but, Hahahahahahahahaha, never.
You can't even imagine a 'Sura' doing this large belly laugh. Come to think of it, you can't even imagine one with a large belly ! Its only for the 'Asuras', with large round stomachs, like good 'khaate peete ghar ke log' and laughing thier hearts out.

Or is the roboust health to do with the fact that they are always laughing and we know since the time we couldn't even tie our shoe laces that "Laughter is the best medicene".

Sure all these 'bad guys' get annihilated at the end. But God have they laughed all their lives ? You bet !

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Love, Laughter

"A day without laughter, a day without love is a day without life"