So its finally arrived !!
A bright spot in an otherwise dull July. Come to think of it, first 5 days of july have never been so dull, like ever ! July being my birth month and all that.
What has the world come to ! Introducing irritably yours !
Forget that.
So the laptop's come ! Shining new XPS - 1530 ! Red ! My 3rd big investment, after the sony erricson - June 2006. Pulsar - November 2007, its now Dell XPS - July 2008. Kindofa self - birthday gift. A little early though ! hee hee :-)
This thing is neat ! I mean, sure most things could have been done on a much cheaper variant but am on my splurging streak right now. So, there you go.
Also bought the cool samsonite 'bag-pack'. I love the single quotes much more than those pesky old double idiots. Clutter is much less.
Yeah. So another "bIg" event is me buying GMAT official guide. But its been lying there, quietly on the table. Not saying anything, just staring. How rude !
Tooo sleepy now !
Good night.