Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Viva Bombay..Viva India..

Great Post.. (Published in Guardian UK)

When the Reader's Digest earlier this month published a survey ranking cities in order of the politeness and courtesy of their people, Bombay, the city where I grew up (and which nationalists have renamed Mumbai) came last. The surveyors obviously understood neither the city nor its citizens.

For if you want to get a flavour of what Bombay's people are really like, witness the astonishing humanity and generosity with which they have poured out their hearts and supported those among them who were maimed by synchronised bomb blasts. People flocked to hospitals to donate blood, and thousands offered strangers bed to sleep in. The state will respond slowly, trying to figure out the extent of the blasts and organise its emergency services; but the city's enterprising people will not wait for that helping hand.

Recall the fury of the monsoon on July 26 last year, when Bombay experienced 37 inches of rain within 24 hours. While the urban administration could barely cope with the crisis, individual citizens ensured that the city did not collapse into anarchy, offering guidance to public policy advocates on how to manage a crisis. Bloggers were at it then, and they are at it now, disseminating information, connecting individuals and families, and offering resources.

For enterprise, not rudeness, is the other name of Bombay, a city where few want to depend on someone else for help. But there is always a helping hand for those who need, as Suketu Mehta points out in his book Maximum City, which was shortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award.

In that book, Mr. Mehta writes:

In the crowded suburban trains, you can run up to the packed compartments and find many hands stretching out to grab you on board, unfolding outwards from the train like petals ... And at the moment of contact, they do not know if the hand that is reaching for theirs belongs to a Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Brahmin or untouchable, or whether you were born in this city or arrived only this morning. All they know is that you're trying to get to the city of gold, and that's enough. Come on board, they say. We'll adjust.

And adjust they do, always, all the time. The roads of Bombay today are filled with people walking home, offered water and food by people living in the neighbourhood. Slum dwellers have jumped into the fray, offering help to the stranded people walking home. Rides are offered and accepted, and nobody asks anyone what their faith, language or caste may be. Only the blood group matters, and there are queues of people at hospitals waiting to donate. And according to some blogs, the Western Railway will resume service tonight, running trains through the night. The show goes on in Bombay, always.

The people of Bombay don't want you to get in their way as they try to cross the road, cling to railway compartments or hang out of double-decker buses as they try to make that appointment, secure that deal and attain that reward that would take them one step closer to realising their Bombay dream (No, not that one!)

There is pluck and resilience in Bombay. Salman Rushdie, the city's finest chronicler, wrote in The Moor's Last Sigh: "Those who hated India, those who sought to ruin it, would need to ruin Bombay."

Bombay is a city without a dominant regional culture, language or religion, and it is quintessentially modern. There are few ancient monuments, and the Taj Mahal is a five-star hotel. This practical, no-nonsense efficiency makes Bombay the preferred choice of multinationals setting up their Indian headquarters, in spite of obscenely expensive real estate.

Bombay is also the home of the sassy and cheeky Bollywood, whose hundreds of forgettable films may not win awards at international film festivals but do make lots of money. Strike at Bombay's bindaas (cocky) nature, and you rock India's confidence.

Consider this sentiment: "It takes more than Semtex to shake Sensex, stockbrokers in Bombay said after those blasts, which killed nearly 300 people and which targeted Bombay's premier buildings, the stock exchange tower, the Air India Building, the passport office and a Sheraton hotel, as well as buses, in what many think was a dress rehearsal for the kind of simultaneous attacks that hit London, New York Washington, Madrid and London nearly a decade later.

Bombay is India's face to the world; the star of the east with her face to the west; an energetic port where people come from all over to seek their fortune. It is India's Manhattan: if you can make it in Bombay, you can make it anywhere. It has been bruised and battered, but it has the strength of being the only truly cosmopolitan city in south Asia.

Such cities live on trust. Bombay is used to welcoming outsiders and strangers. Tourists travel in its motor launches to the Elephanta islands; traders deal in shares, bonds, gold, diamonds and commodities; tycoons set up businesses; shoeshine boys work hard and strike it rich; and starry-eyed girls come from the hinterland to make it in its tinseltown.

But despite the blow, Bombay will not tear apart. Great trading cities cannot be exclusionary; they mix everything. Bombay is the tawa (a flat iron wok) where pao bhaji (a popular dish of buttered fried bread and curried vegetables) is cooked, the ingredients blending together to create a sizzling, spicy meal.

Mr Rushdie went on to write:

Bombay, a relatively new city in an immense, ancient land is not interested in yesterdays. In Bombay, all Indias met and merged. Bombay was central; all rivers flowed into its human sea. It was an ocean of stories, we were all its narrators, and everybody talked at once. What magic was stirred into that insaan-soup (the soup of humanity), what harmony emerged from that cacophony!"

This absence of a majority and the celebration of plurality, are what make Bombay unique: the city belongs to nobody and to everyone. In 1993, Bombay erupted in riots - a blot on the city's fair name; in 2003, people marched in silence; in 2006, they are offering their blood.

It takes a lot more than a few bombs to break the city's spirit. Salaam, Bombay!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Found this somewhere ..very true :

Why is football so popular?

No one knows for sure but there are some theories:

  • it is a game that is not affected by social barriers: the required gear is inexpensive and the playing field is natural grass, so it can be played both by the riches clubs and the poorest localities.
  • it is a game in which intelligence is more important than brute force: good footballers are not necessarily the strongest, but the ones with more body flexibility and quicker of mind.
  • it is a game in which the final score is not easily predictable: surprises do occur (like Greece beating Portugal in the last Euro).
  • it is a game that values talent above anything else: if you are a good player, it doesn't matter if you are ugly, illiterate or plain stupid; you will earn a lot of money and become famous. Football is known to be one of the paths that can lead a poor boy to stardom (read about PelĂ©, for instance).
  • it is easy to understand: for every goal scored, one point. Goals are scored when the ball enters the goal. Foals are when a player hit another player instead of the ball. Fouls inside the main area become penalty kicks. The ball must be controlled with any part of the body but the arm. Onlye the goalie can touch the ball. When the ball is kicked off the field it reverts to the other team. Violent or unfair players are warned (yellow card) and eventually sent out (red card). There's not TV aid, no measuring tape, no computer-generated statistics, no need for an electronic score keeper. The only thing about the game that is a bit obscure is the offside rule, but people seem to have taken it for granted for decades.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Same Plate.

How on earth do they do it ? I for one could never ever do any such thing. Its so gross. And whats more they are doing it all the time. Also this is not just specific to say a one or two. All of them do it. Not that there are many of them here. Its an Engineering college after all. That too at Allahabad. But whatever their number is, the entire bunch of them do it. Is it something like, you are not in a relationship if you dont do it ? Or comeon we are in a relationship we should be doing this..Or Or lets show the world that we are in a relationship. Lets do this.

Whatever be the pretext, I think its completely unhygeinic. Whatsmore it also puts you under so much pressure. The order comes and then you have to share it and then you go i have to eat this fast otherwise there would be nothing left! Why after being in love has one to eat his/her food on a shared plate that too in the college canteen? This is something i would never understand.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Ah that elusive thing ..this concentration . Why oh why dont i seem to have even an ounce of this miraclous elixiir. The most oft repeated cliche in books like "a hundred thousand ways to success" (God are their really so many ways ..i seem to have so much difficulty in finding even one..!!) is ,"concentration is vital for doing well in any given situation".And obviously it is true. But the problem really is, why in the world is it so rare and uncommon and a dodgy little virtue ? They say one can always develop it.Oh really ? and how ?? Ah there are so many techniques . Like ?? Well to mention one look, continuously at a pen( or whatever) for 10 minutes without thinking anything. WHAT ?? without thinking anything ? for 10 whole minutes..!! You kidding me ?? At any given time i have atleast two threads of thought in my head , and that too when i am doing something worthwhile(which is very rare i confess..). At other times my head is filled with all kinds of xyz thoughts.

This is most pronounced when i am actually trying not to think of anything else.Let me give the wary reader an example. Doing TSD (time speed distance..duh..!!) problems . (In brackets are my thoughts) Ram starts to walk towards his office at 6:30 (office wonder why it is called an office..oh comeon back to the question) and reaches 5 minutes late ( the crusades video i saw was so interesting man, wonder why Saladin didnt attack Richard at juffa ? ..aaargh back to the question) If he starts at 6:25 and doubles his speed (that fella jeremy brett is ideal for sherlock holmes not that our dear old dracky cudnt do it ..but accent will be a real problem..ah that wallpaper with Mr Simpson saying No Problemo was such a laugh ..hehe..ooh what was the question again ??) Ram starts to walk towards his ( God i am reading this again now..have to work on my concentration ..wonder why is it so elusive..)office at 6:30 and reaches 5 minutes late (concentarate.. concentrate.. concentrate...) if he starts at 6:25 (concentarate.. concentrate.. concentrate...) and douybles his speed ,(concentarate.. concentrate.. concentrate...) he reaches at 7:10 ( ah not able to conecntrate..tch tch ..furget it..lets go and write a blog) . Finally i close the book and am here blogging.

God save me..

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Speed Reading - Day 1

Good Reading speed seems to be , in all most everyone's opinion , the surest way of cracking the VA section in the much talked about CAT exam. After days of procastrination yours truly finally , and this is largely due to the spanking new "CL packet -2" which has just arrived, decided to test waters in this territory.

Now here i must tell the amused reader that i always thought myself to be a "decent enough" reader. I have been reading books since maybe the 3rd standard. A self proclaimed authority on enid blyton,sidney sheldon , jeff archer and the likes, i started "How to master the art of Reading Comprehension" with a smug smile. Ah, i thought to myself such books are for the naive souls who havent touched a novel in their wasted lives and enlightened beings such as myself, who have been having books as their best friends since childhood, need only to read them as leisure.

Or so i thought. What started as a casual leisurely go at a "diagnostic test" of a given RC became a nightmare.Read the following para in under a minute and answer the questions , it said.Hah..i thought, such a teeny tiny para and a whole minute ..i might get the pop corn as well. Anyways started reading the para , nicely written i wondered, some greek mythology stuff, a lot of unpronouncable names and a few realtions like this guy killed that guy and all. Ok fine , finished reading it, checked the stop watch..shucks 1 min 27 secs. My goodness ..!! thats well past the stipulated time but anyways lets hit the questions i thought.After scratching my head for a whole minute with the questions , i got only 6 out of 10 correct. But the inner "avid reader" tag inside me was refusing to relent. No maybe this was one of those out of the blue, much below the median , unreflecting of your true position, performances .Lets try the next one I said to myself.

The next passage was from zoology.Ah finally some science is good. Come on have to reedeem myself in this one. Started reading it ,but whats this many numbers , like x number of species of this and y number of species of that are known. Good God..!! somehow i finish the passage and check the time 1 min 38 seconds. Talk about improvement i had in fact deterioted and that too in one of my interest areas.What the world is coming to ? My poor heart exclaimed.No probs , the optimist in me shouted out ,lets hit the questions.Finally after attempting the 10 odd questions and checking the scores only 7 correct.

So RC section is all togther a different ball game then.Atleast i can find solace in fact that i have identified the problem early and the only way to go from here is up..!!Loads of reading coming up for me in the coming weeks and all the fixation ,enlarging eye span ,skimming and so on, techniques are going to find a regular user..any good reads anyone ?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


So that time of the year has come when one reflects back on how swiftly did one break the resolutions one so zealously drafted and swore to abide by on new years.Allthough i had promised myself it'd be different this time along but i think there is some, no i know there is some invisible, all potent, omnipresent force which is hell bent on making us break our resloutions.

Invisible,omnipresent,allpotent werent these adjectives reserved for our old friend up there? Some one with the name of God who has helped us, wretched poor souls on countless occasions.So is our own loving God bent on forcing us not to keep our resolutions..!! would be too naive even to think this as even plausible.The adjectives in question may even point to that infamous idiot called "satan" but seriously you didnt think our lives would be so important that these special beings would conspire for such trivial matters.

Ok so its nothing external then.Years come and go and unfailingly most of us break our new year resolutions .Some do it on the evenings these resolutions are made while some are considerate enough to let them live at least as long as the poor mayfly.Did you know mayfly has a lifespan of 24 hrs.God just 24 hrs how does it do all the stuff in just a day.!! and humans say life is too short..bah..anyway thats a different issue.

What leads us to break our resolutions then.Is it our weak will power or now that we are used to breaking them we are actually waiting for taking the leap.Its become such a cliche "Oh my resolutions arent going to last even a week..hehe ".Its become party talk and ,some may even like to believe Page 3 stuff..Why is page 3 so important by the way?

Anyways , let me give myself another chance this year at keeping my resolutions ..Amen.